Troubleshooting a remote is a more common issue as it applies to most ceiling fans, not just Harbor Breeze ceiling fans. Remotes can stop working for a variety of reasons. The troubleshooting to try is common as it applies to different fans. There are some steps to try troubleshooting the remote. Here are the common steps to try in terms of troubleshooting.
Try checking the batteries. The batteries are the most common place to start. Replace them, even if you replaced them already recently.
If replacing the batteries does not work, check the remote. Is there a light that normally turns on when you are using the remote to send a signal? Is the light still turning on or not doing anything at all? If the light is not coming on than the remote is not sending a signal.
If the remote is sending a signal, check to see if the fan and the remote are set to the same frequencies. This can usually be done by checking the dip switches. they need to be set the same way on both the fan and the remote.
If the fan won’t turn on and the lights are working, then there is power to the fan. Check the reversing switch. Make sure the switch isn’t in between positions. Try putting it in forward and reverse to see if either mode works. If the fan looks like it’s trying to turn and there’s a bad groaning sound, or smoke, turn the fan off immediately. You have a problem with the motor.

When looking online for a remote control replacement, the rule of thumb is to purchase a universal remote that matches the same brand. If you haven’t had any luck finding a replacement Harbor Breeze remote that matches your model, or is compatible, you may to look at a universal Harbor Breeze remote.
If there is no power coming to the fan lights and there seems to be no power at all, there could be an electrical short within the fan housing. The same goes if there is power and the fan still won’t turn at all. You’ll need to open up the fan housing and check the electrical connections. Make sure before you do any work to the internal wiring of the fan, that you shut off power to the fan from the circuit breaker (not just the light switch). Once the power is completely shut off, open up the fan housing and take a look inside. See if there are any connections that have come loose. If you know how to use a multi meter to check the circuit, try doing that as well.
Replacing the Remote and the Receiver
If you haven’t had any luck replacing the remote, and you’ve tried standard remotes as well as universal remotes, you may want to try replacing the remote and the receiver, too. Many replacement remote kits come with a replacement receiver. Installing a new receiver does mean that you have to take the fan apart. You’ll need to remove it from the ceiling, and wire up a new receiver. Your remote and receiver kit may come with instructions in this regard. One thing to understand is that if you purchase a kit where you’re replacing the receiver, chances are very good you’ll be able to control your ceiling fan again. If the problem is the receiver and the fan works after, excellent. If the fan still does not work after you replace the receiver, either the receiver is not wired right, or there is another problem with the fan. Depending upon how much you paid for the fan, it may be time to stop troubleshooting further at that point. It really depends how much that particular fan means to you, right? As well as how much your investment is.
How to replace the Ceiling Fan Remote and the Receiver
Shut down the electricity to the ceiling fan
Look at canopy there should be two screws, sometimes four
Unlock the canopy by unscrewing it, then pull the shroud down and you will see a receiver unit
Unhook the receiver unit from inside the canopy – again, make sure the power is off before you do this. You have to look at the wires and separate the wires one by one. Generally, you do not want to or need to cut the wires as they will be connected together previously by lugnuts or other small electrical connectors, potentially even just by electrical tape depending on how it was done by the person who originally installed the fan
The wires you will generally have will be one wire going to the light, one wire going to the fan motor, one wire which is generally “hot” from the wall – that is current coming from the wall.
Here is an excellent video below which shows you how to do the entire process of removing the existing receiver from a fan, and installing a new one.
Background: The gentleman in this video installs a new receiver into his ceiling fan, due to the ceiling fan light flickering and not working properly. He also advises that sometimes the light turns on randomly by itself, as the receiver is getting noise from other nearby remotes in the area. He advises using a new remote will fix the issue, and therefore installs a new receiver into his ceiling fan.